The LaTeX Project logoThe LaTeX Project

Disclaimer: This page is currently not linked, because it is unfinished. If you happen to come across it, take it as a first draft. It should already now explain more or less what we think the logo should or shouldn’t be used for. So please use this pages as a general guideline and in case of questions or use cases not covered: ask. Thanks.

LaTeX, LaTeX3 and expl3 Logos and Usage

We’ve put together some assets for those times when you want to show off your work as being produced by LaTeX, or link back to us. Happy typesetting!

We are happy to thank Paulo Cereda for designing and implementing the “hummingbird” logo for LaTeX.

Please note that the hummingbird logos are not distributed under LPPL; these logos represent the LaTeX Project (and its work) and should not be modified without our explicit permission and should only be used as indicated below.

Logo 2

some explanation

Logo 3

some explanation

Feel free to do these things

  • Use the LaTeX or expl3 logo to link to this website
  • Use the LaTeX or expl3 logo in blog posts or news article when talking about LaTeX, LaTeX3 or expl3
  • Use the produced-by-LaTeX logo in your work to indicate that it was produced using this software
  • Use the term "The LaTeX Team" or "The LaTeX Project Team" when referring to us, i.e. the group that maintains and develops the core LaTeX software
  • Use the term "The LaTeX Project" when referring to the project of maintaining and developing the core LaTeX software including expl3 and LaTeX3

Please don’t do these things

  • Use the LaTeX logos to represent your work, e.g., for your application’s icon, website, etc.
  • Create any modified versions of the LaTeX logos
  • Integrate any of the LaTeX logos into your own logo (without explicit permission)
  • Use any LaTeX logo artwork without permission
  • Sell any LaTeX logo artwork without permission
  • Change the colors or dimensions of, or add your own text/images to, any LaTeX logo

Please avoid misrepresentation ...

  • Please avoid when naming or describing your projects or products anything that implies endorsement by The LaTeX Team unless we have explicitly authorized this
  • In particular, please refrain from using the term "The LaTeX Team" or the LaTeX logos except when you are referring directly to us or to the software produced by us
  • Other usages are likely to imply that your product is in some way directly or indirectly related to us

Please contact us if ...

  • you want to use these images for a purpose not listed, or listed as undesirable, on this page
  • you want to base your own logo on these images

In summary

In short, the LaTeX logos (with the hummingbird or the head of the hummingbird) represent only the work by "The LaTeX Team" and should not be used to represent your products, organisation or services.

LaTeX logos used within normal text

In a document produced by LaTeX you can generate the textual form of the LaTeX logo by simply using commands like \LaTeX{} or \LaTeXe{} or \LaTeX3 for the different textual logos.

Please use the ASCII form of these logos which are LaTeX or LaTeX2e or LaTeX3 in case the document is produced with software that cannot correctly raise and lower characters.

Please do not use other forms of capitalizations, e.g., LATEX or latex would be incorrect!